Hustle Page 9
‘Hungry?’ His voice jerked her out of the trance.
She looked up to his face. He was smiling, a light of amusement in his big brown eyes.
‘I, er, the bacon smells good.’ She tugged down the t-shirt she wore to cover her bare legs as much as she could, feeling naked under his intense gaze. It was clearly one of Jacob’s shirts since it had the Cookie Monster emblazoned across the front of it.
‘Have a seat.’ He gestured for her to sit on the bench on the port side.
She nodded and walked towards him, perching on the edge of the bench.
‘Bacon butty?’ he asked.
‘With lots of ketchup.’ She nodded, enjoying the feel of warm sunshine on her skin.
‘Do you want a drink with it?’ He handed her a plate with a bread roll open on it. Then he piled several lashers of bacon into it before handing her the bottle of ketchup.
‘The beer looks good.’ She nodded at the Coors Light in his hand.
‘Ah, I don’t think antibiotics work with alcohol. How about a bottle of Coke?’ He pulled one out of the cooler near his feet.
Ellie nodded. Anything that didn’t taste like her mouth would be good right now. She took the bottle and opened the lid, taking a swig of Coca-Cola. Then she tucked into the bacon sandwich after squirting a generous amount of ketchup into it.
‘So, how are you feeling?’ He put the lid on the barbeque and took a seat on the bench a few feet away from her at the stern of the boat.
‘Good. I think I’m nearly healed,’ she said after swallowing a large bite of the bacon sandwich.
He took a sip of beer, studying her for a moment. ‘It’ll take a while to be fully healed, but you look a lot better.’
For some reason, she found it hard to look him in the eye. It was easier to hate him when she didn’t look at him. She was unsure of his motivations, but he really didn’t seem like a crazy person. People never do until they crack. She ignored the feelings of trust that were growing every day she spent with him. The facts spoke for themselves. He’d shot her. All the smiles in the world weren’t going to let her forget that.
‘We probably need to talk,’ he said.
She glanced up and caught the sincere look in his big brown eyes. His lips curved into a smile as she acknowledged him. Heat flooded through her veins as she remembered his kisses. Crap.
She glanced out at the empty ocean to avert her eyes. ‘Oh, what about?’
Her eyes widened, and she spun around to face him. How does he know about Meyer?
‘Ah, you know him then. That’ll make it easier.’
‘What? That’ll make what easier?’
‘Did you know that he’s here?’ Jacob took another sip of his beer.
‘Wha—what? On the boat?’ Her pulse raced. Jacob might have shot her, but Meyer was so much worse.
‘No. He was at the marina looking for you.’
‘How did he find me?’
‘Probably the same way I did, through Jimmy.’
Ellie’s world began to spiral out of control. Jimmy had betrayed her. Her brother, the only person left in this universe that she could trust. No, it couldn’t have happened. It made no sense. ‘Jimmy would never…He just wouldn’t.’
‘Oh, no I don’t mean that. A trace on Jimmy, that’s how I found you.’
She frowned. Jimmy was a hacker. No one could trace him.
‘How did you trace him?’
‘It was pretty easy. He booked the boat called Serendipity for you and bought you a pair of diamond earrings on his credit card. You shouldn’t have worked with a dumb kid. He left a paper trail to you that might as well have been a neon sign pointing to your location.’
She narrowed her eyes. Jimmy wasn’t a dumb kid. He was probably the best forger she’d ever known, and certainly the best hacker. There was no way he’d book her a boat with a credit card that was registered to him.
She glanced down at the side of the boat. They were on the Celeste. Jimmy had told her the boat was called Celeste before she’d set off on this job. Why would he rent two boats in the same marina and make one traceable? And why would Jimmy buy me diamond earrin—her mind froze. He wouldn’t buy me diamonds, but what about his girlfriend Cheryl?
She could imagine Cheryl helping herself to Jimmy’s credit card and buying herself a pair of earrings on it. She seemed the type. But there was only one reason she’d rent a boat in the same marina as the Celeste. For the express purpose of leaving a paper trail straight to Ellie. It was far easier to believe that Cheryl was working for Meyer than it was to believe that Jimmy was.
She scowled. That dirty harlot is playing him. She’s gotta be working for Meyer. But if that was the case, why didn’t she just call him? There was something very odd about it all.
‘There’s no need to be upset. You’re safe for now,’ Jacob said, misinterpreting her scowl. ‘All you need to do is get better, and stop dating children.’
She choked on her drink for a moment before glancing up at him. He was peeling the label off his beer bottle with a scowl on his face.
‘I’m not dating Jimmy!’ she gasped.
‘Who is he then?’
‘My…’ She paused. Jimmy had shown up in her life shortly after her mother had died. He’d come to her dad for help. On the run from the police and with nowhere to go, he’d started off as an apprentice of sorts, but quickly become a member of the family. ‘He’s my brother.’ It was true. Regardless of how he’d ended up with them, he’d become her brother.
‘I didn’t know your dad had a son.’ Jacob frowned.
‘It’s a long story. What about you? Have you got any brothers or sisters?’ She glanced up at him.
He shook his head. ‘I’m an only child.’
‘Figures,’ she muttered.
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
‘Well, you’re a bit self-absorbed.’ She smiled, glancing up at his confused expression with devilish delight.
‘Me? Selfish? Are you kidding?’
‘It’s your way or the highway, right? I bet you even order your friends around, too.’
‘I do not! Don’t tell me what I do or don’t do.’
‘Is that an order?’ She bit the inside of her cheek to stop from laughing. Messing with him was almost too easy.
‘Yes. I mean, no.’ He narrowed his eyes at her, but there was a light of amusement in them. ‘Oh, very clever.’ He finished his drink, shaking his head. ‘And what are you then, the resident bad girl?’
She shrugged. It was close enough.
‘Someone probably deserves a good hiding, huh?’ His raised an eyebrow.
‘Oh, and are you going to give me one?’ She paused for a moment and then widened her eyes. ‘I didn’t mean…’
His eyes widened too. ‘I didn’t mean it like that…’
They both looked away from each other.
‘Well, I better go back to bed.’ She stood up and turned away from him, then closed her eyes. Great way to change the subject, idiot!
‘If you need any help, just let me know.’ His deep voice struck a nerve in her body.
She spun around to see him slap himself on the forehead. He looked at his hand and then back at her. ‘Mosquito.’
‘You should rub something on it.’ It was as if there was an idiot button that they both had pressed, and everything they said came out sounding kinky. ‘The bite, I mean the bite.’
‘I’ll put something on it. Let’s get you into bed first, shall we…?’ He trailed off, looking out at the ocean with an expression of despair.
Ellie struggled with replying, fighting not to say anything even slightly provocative. ‘I’ll be fine.’
She turned away and walked towards the hatch. At the last moment, she turned back. ‘Thanks for the meaty goodness.’
He widened his eyes at her.
‘I meant the barbeque!’ She gulped and hurried below decks, wondering if she’d had one too many knocks on the head late
Chapter Fifteen
‘What do you mean Jimmy’s gone?’ Ellie listened to Jacob as he spoke to someone on his mobile phone. She leaned closer to the window of the wheelhouse, ducking down to ensure she wouldn’t be spotted.
For the most part, she and Jacob had avoided each other since their ridiculous conversation, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t been watching what he was doing while being trapped on this boat with him. It doesn’t mean I trust him.
‘Bill, don’t tell me he’s skipped town. We need to find out what he’s up to.’
She frowned. Is Jimmy okay?
‘So he left the hotel. Where did he go next?’ Jacob paused for a moment. ‘How can you not know? He can’t just disappear!’
She knew all too well how easily Jimmy could make himself disappear, but why would he?
‘What girl?’
She peeked over the edge of the window when Jacob’s voice went silent. He was standing near the helm, looking out across the ocean. He held the phone to his ear with his back to her. She stared at his free hand as he rested it on the wheel. Her eyes travelled up his tanned arm to the rolled-up sleeve of the crisp white shirt he was wearing. The shirt was tight across his back, clearly one size too small for his broad shoulders.
One good thing about the boat had been that there were clothes on board. Ellie and Jacob didn’t know whose clothes they were, just that they were men’s. Ellie had ended up in a giant blue shirt and denim shorts that were held up by a piece of rope for a belt while her own clothes were hanging from a line, drying off after being washed.
She ducked down low again when Jacob started to turn his head. ‘How do you know she’s not just someone he picked up?’
It has to be Cheryl that he’s talking about. Jimmy doesn’t talk to girls unless they’re online.
‘You think it’s Meyer?’
She frowned. She tried to put two and two together. Half a conversation wasn’t much to go on, but it sounded as if Cheryl worked for Meyer. God, what kind of mess is Jimmy in because of me? Is he okay?
‘Isla Precosia? Wait a minute.’ There was a sound of rustling paper. She peeked over the window frame again to see Jacob leaning over a map, studying it. ‘I’m really close. If they’ve gone there, I can probably pick them up and have a matched set.’
A matched set? Does he mean me and Jimmy? Jimmy’s on the island! What the hell is he doing there?
‘I dunno, but she’s not talking much.’
Jacob laughed. ‘Oh, really? Well, I don’t think you know very much about women.’
Ellie rolled her eyes.
‘I am not!’ Jacob shook his head. ‘You’ve no idea what you’re talking about.’
She sank back against the wall of the cabin, tuning out part of the conversation. I need to get to that island.
Jacob’s laugh interrupted her thoughts. ‘You seriously think I’m stupid enough to fall for some two-bit criminal with the seduction skills of a frog?’
She narrowed her eyes.
‘Of course, she’s a criminal. She uses sex to get what she wants. I think I can handle her. I need you to meet us though if Meyer’s heading there.’
Seduction skills of a frog! Uses sex? He just called me a slut! She tuned out the conversation, clenching her hands into fists. So that’s what he really thinks of me, is it? Son of a bitch!
By the time Jacob came out of the cabin, Ellie was taking her washing off the line and folding it up.
‘Hey. We’re going to be heading for land soon.’
She turned to face him, still burning with anger. The words ‘seduction skills of a frog’ echoing through her mind.
His smile slid off his face when he noticed her expression. ‘Is, er, everything okay?’
She flashed a false smile. ‘Peachy,’ she said before turning her back to him.
‘Okay…’ He dragged out the word, then paused for a moment.
She could sense him standing behind her in silence, feeling his eyes burn into her back. She spun around. ‘What?’
‘We’re going to an uninhabited island, and I want you to stay on the boat,’ he said, glancing back at the distant shore.
She looked towards the bow of the boat. The shore was at least a couple of miles away, but she caught her first glimpse of Isla Precosia. It looked very small and very green from this distance.
‘So will you stay here? It’s for your own good.’
She turned to face him, narrowing her eyes. ‘What are you going to do if I don’t, cuff me to something?’
‘I don’t need to do anything. You plus jungle equals dead city girl. Just stay on the boat and do as you’re told for once.’ Jacob scowled.
‘Oh, you’re ordering me around again. You’re not the boss of me, and you have no effect on what I choose to do!’ Anger burned through her body. He obviously thought she was some kind of lovesick female who would do his bidding. He could take his hot body and smoky eyes and shove them up his arse! No one tells me what to do.
‘What? Don’t be stupid. You need to stay on the boat. The island is dangerous, especially for you.’
She stormed towards him. ‘Oh, so now I’m stupid, too!’ She pointed her finger into his chest, backing him up against the railing of the boat.
‘I never said you were stupid!’ His jaw tensed, and the muscles in his neck clenched as his nostrils flared in anger.
‘I am not staying on the boat,’ she said, slowly dragging out each word as she stepped closer and closer to him, pressing up against him. It took her a moment to realise they were touching. But when she did notice it, her body instantly responded to his nearness. Heat blossomed under her skin, and her eyes were drawn to his handsome face. She shook her head, getting more irritated by his allure than anything else.
‘You need to stay here.’ His voice was deeper, more guttural as his hands rested on her shoulders, cupping them. ‘I don’t want anything to happen to you.’
No, no, no. He will not seduce me again. She shook her head. ‘Where’s Jimmy? If he’s on that island, I’m going to find him.’
His hands tightened on her shoulders, and he narrowed his eyes at her. ‘That’s all you care about?’ He shook his head and released her shoulders. ‘That fucking guy again…’ he muttered. ‘Fine. You have no choice. You are not leaving this boat, or else—’
‘Or else what?’ she snapped. ‘You’ll shoot me again?’
He widened his eyes, staring at her as if she was nuts. ‘What, are you fucking stupid?’
Anger burned through her veins, quickly replacing any feelings of lust. If he calls me stupid one more time…
‘Of all the stupi—’
He never had the chance to finish the sentence as she lunged at him, pushing him over the side of the boat in a fit of anger. She stared down in shock as he flipped over the side and dropped into the sparkling water below. Oh God, what did I do?
She breathed a sigh of relief when he came up for air. He looked pissed off and extremely wet, but appeared to be in good health otherwise. The boat was leaving him behind though as it chugged towards the shore on autopilot.
‘What the fuck was that for?’ He brushed back his dark hair and blinked water out of his eyes.
She glanced back at the bow, watching the shoreline get closer. He could swim it from here. She grinned at him. ‘I hope you can swim!’ she called back to him.
‘What? You can’t just leave me here!’ He bobbed in the water, staring at her with an expression of disbelief.
She knew that she really shouldn’t leave him here without any kind of assistance. She lifted the bench on the stern and pulled out a lifejacket from the ottoman beneath it. That’ll do. She threw the lifejacket at him, taking her best aim.
It flew across the gap between them, heading towards him.
‘You can’t just leav—’ His words were cut short when the lifejacket slapped him in the face and he was knocked back under the surface.
Oh, shit! She stared at the waves as her puls
e raced and panic bubbled up in her stomach. Where is he? Is he okay?
He burst through the surface of the water, gripping the lifejacket. Judging by the murderous look on his face, he was going to be fine.
She smiled as relief flooded through her. He’s okay.
‘Sure I can!’ she shouted back. ‘It’s not as if there’s anything stopping me.’ Okay, there was. She felt kind of guilty for throwing him off the boat.
He shot you. He cuffed you to a boat. You don’t owe him anything. A small voice in the back of her mind disagreed. He saved your life.…
‘Come back. Don’t do this. Don’t be stupid!’ Jacob shouted. ‘Why are you so angry?
She scowled. Stupid again! ‘“Seduction skills of a frog!”’ she shouted while putting her hands on her hips.
He was getting further away, bobbing in the water while holding onto the lifejacket.
She could barely hear his reply. ‘I didn’t mean y…’ was all she could make out before the sound of the engine cut off his words.
Ellie turned from the stern and shook her head. I need to save Jimmy. Jacob can save himself. It’s only a short swim, and by the time he gets there, I’ll be long gone.
Making a firm decision that this was for the best, she hurried down to the cabin, taking her dry clothes with her. She snatched an empty holdall off a nearby hook. This time when she went into the jungle, she’d be prepared for anything.
Chapter Sixteen
Jacob swore, watching the boat move farther away from him. What’s she doing? Stupid fucking idiot! He realised, after she shouted the frog comment at him that she must have heard him insulting Cheryl and thought he was talking about her.
‘I didn’t mean you. You seduce me far too fucking easily!’ he shouted out at the distant boat. ‘Bollocks,’ he muttered, sighing at the lifejacket. I can’t believe she pushed me off the boat!
A range of emotions was flooding through him, largely led by anger. I save her ass, and she throws me off the boat. When I get hold of her, I’m gonna…What, tickle her to death while handing her your fortune? He scowled at the back of the boat. The voice in his head was right. So far, he’d given her everything she needed. He might as well have just handed her the Heart of Fortune—not to mention his own—on a platter before grovelling at her feet. Meanwhile, she’s pining after that Jimmy kid and running off to save him. I am such an idiot.